Issue CCIX
September 28 - October 1, 2009
Japanese Duck:
Wendy Stolyarov
September 28, 2009
A digital drawing of a duck in a Japanese art style by Mrs. Stolyarov.
Japanese Bird II:
Wendy Stolyarov
September 28, 2009
A digital drawing of a bird in a Japanese art style by Mrs. Stolyarov.
Red Foxes:
Wendy Stolyarov
September 28, 2009
A stylized digital drawing of an adult fox and baby fox by Wendy Stolyarov.
Mr. Wuffles Takes a Walk:
Wendy Stolyarov
September 28, 2009
A digital drawing by Mrs. Stolyarov, described thus: "I think that Mr. Wuffles and his master have had a lovely constitutional, but are now late for tea, which is why they’re rather in a hurry..." Mr. Wuffles is a gentleman tortoise, and his master is a kitten.
Abstract Orderism Fractal I:
G. Stolyarov II
October 1, 2009
This ornate fractal is Mr. Stolyarov’s second work of fractal art and is an extension of his artistic style of Abstract Orderism.
The Real Reasons for Fed Secrecy:
Ron Paul
September 28, 2009
Rep. Ron Paul argues that if the Fed representatives gave their actual arguments against a full audit, they would not have mentioned anything about political independence or economic stability. Instead they would admit they don’t want to be audited because they enjoy their current situation too much. Under the guise of currency control, they are able to help out powerful allies on Wall Street, in exchange for lucrative jobs or who-knows-what favors later on.
Alan Caruba
September 30, 2009
Alan Caruba examines a draft bill co-sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and John Kerry (D-MA). It is the Senate alternative to the horrid “Cap-and-Trade” bill authored by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA). Call it “Cap-and-Switch.” Mr. Caruba looks at at the objectives of the Senate version of a huge tax on all energy use by every American; he argues that the bulk of the cost will fall on low-and-middle-income households.
Built Upon the Sand:
Marita Noon
September 30, 2009
So-called “green energy” is expensive, while the carbon-based energy (oil, natural gas, and coal) is cheap by comparison. Marita Noon writes that cap-and-trade, the Waxman-Markey Bill, will increase the cost of energy by as much as $1,700 per household -- and the latest news reports indicate that the Obama administration has known this all along.
A Surveillance Society or a Free Society?: A Challenge to the Left and Right:
Mark Lerner
October 1, 2009
Orwell’s prediction of a future big brother government came true. Whether acknowledged or not, Americans now live in a surveillance society.
Most of that American public falls into one of the categories the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) calls “potential threats;” environmentalists,
animal lovers, anti-war protesters, pro-lifers, evangelical Christians,
observant Jews, Constitutionalists, returning veterans, and third-party candidate supporters are all “potential
domestic terrorists.” Just how far is the American public
willing to let the government go in order to assure public safety? Mark
Lerner urges individuals from all walks of life and all political
orientations to begin a thorough discussion of this pressing issue.
"Human Nature" is Tautological - Video:
G. Stolyarov II
September 28, 2009
What is meant by the term “human nature?” In one sense, it is supremely uninformative. The “nature” of any existent can be defined simply as “that which that existent is.” This video by Mr. Stolyarov argues that references to “human nature” do not actually explain human behavior, nor do they imply that humans are universally evil or vicious.
"A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate."
~ Thomas Jefferson