Issue CCVI
September 5-11, 2009
The Alamo:
Wendy D. Stolyarov
September 11, 2009
An original drawing of The Alamo by Wendy Stolyarov.
Girl in Charcoal:
Wendy D. Stolyarov
September 11, 2009
A charcoal sketch of a girl by Mrs. Stolyarov.
A Horse:
Wendy D. Stolyarov
September 11, 2009
A watercolor drawing of a brown horse in motion by Mrs. Stolyarov.
Buddha's Burden:
Wendy D. Stolyarov
September 11, 2009
A digital painting by Mrs. Stolyarov, symbolically depicting the ongoing tensions between Buddhist monks in Tibet and the Chinese government.
The Iron Fist:
Wendy D. Stolyarov
September 11, 2009
A digital painting by Mrs. Stolyarov, symbolically depicting the Chinese government's ongoing oppression of Tibet.
Waltz #7, Op. 63:
G. Stolyarov II
September 6, 2009
Mr. Stolyarov is proud to feature his most recent musical work. This is a waltz in the Classical style, based on two principal alternating melodies, each of which is varied with each repetition through the addition of ornamentation and complexity. If A and B are the principal melodies, the structure of the composition can be represented as ABA’B’A’’. Length: 3:35.
Generation Sloth:
Jeffrey Tucker
September 11, 2009
Jeffrey Tucker argues that decades of minimum wage legislation have made it effectively illegal for many teenagers to work, thereby depriving them of the valuable experiences and expectations of the business world and rendering them woefully unprepared to enter it after college.
The Afghanistan Quagmire:
Alan Caruba
September 11, 2009
In November 2008, Alan Caruba wrote of
Leader of None:
Paul Driessen
September 11, 2009
“Few challenges facing
Eden is an Illusion - Video:
G. Stolyarov II
September 5, 2009
Beyond being destructive, the Eden myth is simply false. There never was a “better” state from which human beings have “descended.” Mr. Stolyarov explores in this video why the Fall is an illusion that ought to be abandoned.
"If we are to overcome the extremely genuine and massive threats to our existence coming from virtually all directions, it is essential not to take comfort in the demotivating illusions of a cosmic balance."
~ G. Stolyarov II