September 30 - October 3, 2010
Hillsdale College's Move to the Wrong Side of History:
G. Stolyarov II
September 30, 2010
Mr. Stolyarov writes that Hillsdale College’s recently implemented policy enforcing a certain view of sexual morality is an affront to justice, individual rights, and the free agency of consenting adults. Moreover, it signifies this college’s decisive shift in the direction of paternalism and imposition of religious doctrine, tainting Hillsdale’s former eminent reputation as a bastion of liberty.
Toward a Winner-Doesn't-Take-All Electoral System:
David L. Wetzell
October 3, 2010
In his deliberations regarding how to reform the US electoral system, David Wetzell concluded that the best way forward was to push for the use of winner-doesn't-take-all, or multi-seated, elections in only one of the two state legislatures. This simple reform would be coupled with an affirmation of the wider use of winner-take-all elections and most other aspects of the US political system that maintained effective two-party rule. After a while, Mr. Wetzell settled on the notion that a three-seated Hare LR election rule would be ideal.
Healthcare Reform: A Huge Misdiagnosis:
Ron Paul
October 3, 2010
Last week marked six months since Congress passed the healthcare reform bill in what has become all-too-typical legislative chicanery. Those in power crafted a mammoth piece of legislation and rammed it through Congress under a dire sense of emergency. Insisting on time enough to read the bill was dismissed as dangerous and crazy in a time of crisis. We were told that if we really wanted to see what was in the bill, we would have to pass it first. Rep. Ron Paul cannot imagine the founding fathers intended for Congress to legislate in this manner. He thinks if a Member is not absolutely certain the entire legislation meets Constitutional muster, the default vote should be “no” in accordance with the oath of office taken by members of Congress.
Tea Party Candidates and the "Crane Rule":
Edward Hudgins
October 3, 2010
In response to William F. Buckley's rule regarding supporting electable candidates, Dr. Edward Hudgins discusses Ed Crane’s important rule. In order to be effective, advocates of ideas that might seem radical today must show themselves to be serious, thoughtful, and credible. They must offer logical arguments backed by sound thinking, data, and analysis. They must not pull punches, but they must take account of their audiences and treat them with respect. This does not mean a lack of passion when advocating freedom. It means that passion must be founded on reason. Dr. Hudgins argues that Tea Party members should support radicals for individual liberty and limited government who are also the most electable because they are credible, thoughtful, articulate, and up to the serious job of restoring this country to that radical, founding philosophy.
Unsustainable Cow Manure:
Paul Driessen
October 3, 2010
Seek a sustainable future! Wind, solar, and biofuels will ensure an eco-friendly, climate-protecting, planet-saving, sustainable inheritance for our children. Or so we are told by activists and politicians intent on enacting new renewable energy standards, mandates, and subsidies during a lame-duck session. Paul Driessen thinks it may be useful to address some basic issues, before going further down the road to Renewable Utopia.
Greens Shackle National Security -- and Renewable Energy:
Paul Driessen
October 3, 2010
Paul Driessen addresses ways that environmentalists' excesses shackle even their favorite programs – in this case the wind, solar, light bulb and other technologies that require lanthanide or “rare earth” metals. By imposing massive fines and regulatory burdens on operators at America’s sole lanthanide mine, and making hundreds of millions of acres off limits to exploration, environmentalists have made the United States totally dependent on China for the raw materials needed for their favorite green technologies and job programs.
3 Billion and Counting:
Paul Driessen
October 3, 2010
Paul Driessen profiles a film that is not only important and a direct assault on environmentalist myths. It is potentially life-saving, as it could help to (finally) change the lethal policies that have far too long characterized the greens’ and much of the world’s approach to chemicals, especially DDT and other insecticides.
The EPA's Long War on Chemicals:
Alan Caruba
October 3, 2010
Alan Caruba writes that much of the Environmental Protection Agency’s abuse of power comes in the form of chemical action plans, which involve little oversight, even less transparency, and little-to-no public accountability. However, the agency's power to over-regulate, remove valuable products from the market, and hobble commerce is almost unparalleled.
Senators Threaten to Raise Energy Costs During Lame-Duck Session:
Marita Noon
October 3, 2010
Now that cap-and-trade is dead—at least for now, New Mexico's Senators are trying to push through a Federal Renewable Electricity Standard that will raise everyone’s energy costs. As Marita Noon frequently says, there is never a good time to intentionally raise the cost of energy, and now, with the economy on the precipice of disaster, is the worst possible time.
The Age of Engineered Cells:
October 3, 2010
Our cells are very versatile and complex machines, really an assemblage of many such machines. As researchers make inroads into understanding the details of the mechanisms, they will become ever more capable of manipulating and engineering cells. The Longevity Meme's Reason offers some examples of recent progress in this area.
"The economist must never be a specialist. In dealing with any problem he must always fix his glance upon the whole system."
~ Ludwig von Mises