Earmarks Don't Add Up

Ron Paul
Issue CCXXIX - January 6, 2010
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Earmarks seemed to have been the hot topic in 2009, and as a fiscal conservative I am dismayed so many people deliberately distort the earmarking process and grandstand to make political points.  It is an easy thing to do with earmarks.  It takes a little more time and patience to grasp the reality of what earmarks really are.

To be sure, if earmarks were the driving force behind explosive government spending as some have been led to believe, that would be a good reason for all the fuss.  The misconception seems to be that members of Congress put together a bunch of requests for project funding, add them all together, and come up with a budget.  The truth is, it is not done that way.  The total level of spending is determined by the Congressional leadership and the appropriators before any Member has a chance to offer any amendments.  Members’ requests are simply recommendations to allocate parts of that spending for certain items in that members’ district or state.  If funds are not designated, they revert to non-designated spending controlled by bureaucrats in the executive branch.   In other words, when a designation request makes it into the budget, it subtracts funds out of what is available to the executive branch and bureaucrats in various departments, and targets it for projects that the people and their representatives request in their districts.  If a congressman does not submit funding requests for his district, the money is simply spent elsewhere.  To eliminate all earmarks would be to further consolidate power in the already dominant executive branch and not save a penny.

Furthermore, designating how money is spent provides a level of transparency and accountability over taxpayer dollars that we don’t have with general funds.  I argue that all federal spending should be decided by Congress, so that we at least know where the money goes.  This has been a major problem with TARP funding.  The public and Congress are now trying to find out where all that money went. 

The real issue is that the overall federal budget is too big, by far, which is why I always vote against it.  But attacking the 1 percent that was earmarked solves nothing.  The whole issue is a distraction from the real problems we face, which are that the Federal Government will absorb over 1/3 of our country’s GDP this year, and taxpayers are forced to fork over more than half their income to fund government at all levels.  On top of that, the national debt is $11 trillion, which is $36,000 per citizen.  The recent increases in bailouts, federal government spending, and money creation are going to hobble our economy for decades.  We must curb the federal government’s appetite severely if this country is ever to thrive again.  The noise over “earmarks” is a red herring and a distraction from the real issue of uncommitted spending.

It is time to attack the entirety of federal government spending.  We especially need a full account of the activities of the Federal Reserve that spends and creates trillions of dollars with no meaningful oversight.  This is a huge problem that needs immediate attention.

Congressman Ron Paul of Texas enjoys a national reputation as the premier advocate for liberty in politics today. Dr. Paul is the leading spokesman in Washington for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies based on commodity-backed currency. He is known among both his colleagues in Congress and his constituents for his consistent voting record in the House of Representatives: Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution.

To learn more about Congressman Ron Paul, visit his Congressional Home Page.

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