Issue CXLVI 

February 24 - March 6, 2008

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Historical Analysis
Socialism and Fascism: A Conversation With a Friend:
Leonid Fainberg

February 25, 2008
Leonid Fainberg discusses the common denominator of all forms of socialism: sacrifice of the individual to some vision of the "common good." This underlying idea was present in Hitler's National Socialism as much as it was present in Marxist socialism. Indeed, Mr. Fainberg rejects the commonly used labels of "left-wing" and "right-wing," since they lack clear, unambiguous meanings. Socialism, on the other hand, has a clear meaning, and socialistic policies and ideas can be observed among people commonly classified to be on the "left" or on the "right."


Exertion, Op. 51:
G. Stolyarov II

February 24, 2008
This composition by Mr. Stolyarov attempts to convey the sensation of struggling through a difficult task or an adverse situation which requires the use of numerous faculties simultaneously. It is another exercise in creating polyphony and multi-instrumental composition. This piece is for two pianos, with an organ making a brief appearance at the end. Length: 2:39. Right-click to save to disk.

Democrats Demagogue Poverty. Again.:
Alan Caruba

February 25, 2008
The Democrats are at it again. Both Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama have made “poverty” a central theme of their campaigns, promising to lift up the poor and put a chicken in every pot, a large screen TV on every wall, and a new car in every driveway.  Alan Caruba believes that the Democrats' effort is bound to fail. Among the actual answers to solve the problem of poverty will be measures to encourage the creation of new jobs, reducing regulations that strangle growth, and reforming a poorly performing education system.

Taxes or Tolls on the TTC:
Ron Paul

February 25, 2008
One major concern Rep. Ron Paul discussed a few weeks ago regarding the Trans Texas Corridor is where the land will come from.  Another concern is where the money will come from.  Official government websites for the TTC assure that public-private partnerships will shield the taxpayer from bearing too much of the cost burden, but a careful reading shows the door is definitely open to public funding sources, while at the same time there is no doubt of the intention to charge tolls on the road.

How to Approach Unjust Laws:
G. Stolyarov II

March 6, 2008
How do we, as private citizens seeking justice, approach the multitude of unjust laws existing today? What is the best way to act in order to ensure that the harms of these laws are minimized and that they are eventually repealed – without bringing harm on oneself or those for whom one cares? Mr. Stolyarov articulates some principles for seeking to overcome unjust laws without being overcome by them.

Individual Self-Determination Versus National Self-Determination:
G. Stolyarov II

March 6, 2008
Opponents of any kind of American military intervention in the affairs of other countries will frequently cite the concept of national self-determination as a justification for their position. In their view, it is the right of “the people” of a particular country to “choose” what political arrangements will exist in that country. But this, by itself, is a muddled claim. When encountered by it, the best approach is to ask, “What is meant by ‘the people’?” and “Who is doing the choosing?” Mr. Stolyarov explains the mutually incompatible ideas of individual self-determination and national self-determination.

Irrational Legisation:
Alan Caruba

March 6, 2008
The Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2007 being advanced by Senate Democrats is a disastrous proposal that will wreak horrendous economic damage in an attempt to ineffectually combat a non-existent threat, argues Alan Caruba. We normally call such things unintended consequences, but there is nothing unintended about the Lieberman-Warner bill. Its authors and supporters know exactly what it will do. And they don't care.

Ruining Our Youth, Our Future:
Alan Caruba

March 6, 2008
The new generation of young people  has been importuned since pre-school to view the Earth as an endangered environment that threatens all mankind. They have grown up listening to the ravings of Al Gore and a legion of organizations that subverted science because the real science does not support the delusion of global warming. Alan Caruba fears that environmentalist doom-mongers will influence the current young generation to undermine the high standard of living it currently enjoys.

An Extraordinary Event:
Alan Caruba

March 6, 2008
During March 2-4, Alan Caruba and about five hundred other people attended the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change, including some of the world’s leading authorities on climatology, meteorology, economics, energy, and other fields of knowledge. The conference message is simplicity itself: There is no “consensus” on global warming. The science is not “settled.” Indeed, this conference marks a high point in the effort to rescue the planet from people who regard their fellow human beings as a cancer afflicting the Earth.

Why Most Voters Shouldn't Vote:
Selwyn Duke

March 6, 2008
Often the most fanciful ideas become the least questioned assumptions.  In this election season, a few have made themselves apparent, such as the notion that “change” is good by definition and “experience” is definitely good.  Yet an even better example is the oft-repeated platitude that greater voter participation yields a healthier republic. Selwyn Duke argues that when people don’t vote, it’s for the same reason why they don’t repair cars, fly planes, or perform brain surgery.

The Illusion of Success Through Luck - Video:
G. Stolyarov II

February 25, 2008

Franklin Roosevelt and the Fascists - Video:
G. Stolyarov II

February 25, 2008

"A decent society never accepts or justifies torture. It dehumanizes both torturer and victim, yet seldom produces reliable intelligence." 
~ Ron Paul

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