The Rational Enlightenment Coalition
The Rational Enlightenment Coalition is a collaborative effort by numerous volitionally contributing parties to craft comprehensive multimedia presentations for the purpose of enlightening the general populace with objective historical facts and thorough analysis. The presentations can be viewed both for their visual appeal and their informational depth, and address topics that are not frequently addressed by mainstream historical study. The following is our inventory of presentations crafted thus far.
German History, Culture, and Involvements in Sub-Saharan Africa:
May 18, 2003:
German colonization in Sub-Saharan Africa left traces of influence, both static and dynamic, that lingers to the present day. The particulars of this presentation are bound to grant the viewer knowledge of what he might never have suspected to exist.
The Future of the Chinese Communist Party:
May 26, 2003:
Will the Chinese Communist Party be able to hold on to the reins of power for the next twelve years given the political and economic liberalization occurring in China? Read this in-depth analytical presentation to obtain a scholarly answer.

The California Gold Rush:
October 21, 2003:
The California Gold Rush resulted in the quick settlement of California and had dramatic economic and social effects. This presentation summarizes the multifaceted history of the Gold Rush.

Karl der Grosse (Charlemagne):
Winter 2003-2004:
Visuals to accompany a presentation (in German) about a great military leader and ruler who attempted to civilize Europe during a barbaric age.

Immigration to the United States (1870-1920):
Winter 2003-2004:
A presentation on the common motivations of millions to move to the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries - as well as the opportunities they found and the treatment that some of them received.

The Second Persian Gulf War:
May 2004:
An analysis of the original United States occupation of Iraq, the debate surrounding it, and its apparent outcomes as of May 2004.

Erasmus and Machiavelli Compared (Quotations):
September 2004:
A comparison of quotations from two extremely different contemporaries - Desiderius Erasmus and Niccolo Machiavelli - each of whom shaped the Renaissance and subsequent history in his own way.

New Weapons of the Late 19th Century and World War I:
Spring 2005:
A presentation on the numerous weapons which revolutionized warfare in the late 19th century and subsequently served as the instruments of carnage in World War I.

Die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands (The Reunification of Germany):
Spring 2005:
A presentation in German on the history and the economic, political, and social effects of the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990.

The Rational Argumentator, a Journal for Western Man, is a key sponsor of The Rational Enlightenment Coalition. We at TREC are grateful for the extensive time and ideas contributed by TRA writers to our efforts. Click on its logo to visit TRA's most recent issue.
The Rational Argumentator
A Journal for Western Man