April 20-23, 2010

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Abstract Orderism Fractal XI:
G. Stolyarov II
April 20, 2010
The patterns of this fractal by Mr. Stolyarov somewhat resemble a butterfly. Its structure is founded on the loops and intersections of the numerous curves comprising it.

Abstract Orderism Fractal XII:
G. Stolyarov II
April 20, 2010
This fractal by Mr. Stolyarov is constructed from angular joints, with the structures on the sides resembling multiple layers of wings.

Abstract Orderism Fractal XIII - Ancient Greek Urn Fractal:
G. Stolyarov II
April 20, 2010
This fractal by Mr. Stolyarov resembles an ancient Greek urn in both shape and ornamentation.

Abstract Orderism Fractal XIV - Ancient Greek Urn Fractal II:
G. Stolyarov II
April 20, 2010
This fractal by Mr. Stolyarov was created from the same underlying fractal flame as Abstract Orderism Fractal XIII, but it is comprised of thicker individual "brushstrokes", giving it the appearance of a painted work.

Abstract Orderism Fractal XV:
G. Stolyarov II
April 23, 2010
The elaborate center of this fractal by Mr. Stolyarov may look quite different from the shapes flanking its sides, but in fact the former was derived from the latter by a series of successive manipulations and mutations.

Are We a Self-Hating Commercial Society?:
Jeffrey A. Tucker
April 20, 2010

Jeffrey Tucker laments that the anticapitalistic mentality has taken a serious toll. It hasn't yet destroyed commercial society, but it has caused commercial society to no longer be proud of the magic and glory embedded within its structures and logic. Why is this? Because we no longer understand how it is that markets convert private interest to public good. The simplest lesson of economics, proven again and again and again for 500 years, is lost on people today.


Short the Delusion:
Douglas French
April 20, 2010
"It's never paid to bet against America," according to Warren Buffett. But a quirky group of investors did just that and made millions, betting against what is more American than apple pie and baseball — the idea that housing prices always go up. And just as he shined a bright light on the shenanigans going on at the bond-trading house Solomon Brothers in his 1989 best seller Liar's Poker, Michael Lewis has come to rescue us from our ignorance with an engaging tale about the brave souls who put their (and their investors') money where their conviction was — and won — with his new book The Big Short: Inside The Doomsday Machine. Douglas French offers this engaging review of Mr. Lewis's book.

Plane Rides and Medicare:
Gary Wolfram
April 23, 2010

On his plane ride back to Hillsdale from a whirlwind speaking tour,  Dr. Gary Wolfram sat beside a medical doctor and another traveler. The doctor was explaining how the people who are making up the tea-party movement are a bunch of “idiots,” in his words. He gave as an example the case of one of his patients who receives Medicare. The doctor related how he challenged the patient to admit that Medicare was socialized medicine and that it works. The doctor’s explanation for the wonderful workings of Medicare was that the patient had received a lot of expensive medical care and that the patient did not have to pay for it. This was proof that socialized medicine works.
Dr. Wolfram begs to differ and explores the errors in the medical doctor's argument.

Collectivism is Ancient; Freedom, Reason, and Progress are New:
G. Stolyarov II
April 23, 2010
Irrational, illiberal collectivism had its beginnings along with the beginnings of the human species. How else could it be the case that the overwhelming majority of the history of our species took place with virtually no progress whatsoever? Mr. Stolyarov writes that what is relatively new in human history – dating back to ancient Greece – is early true liberal, pro-freedom thinking.

End the Mandate:
Ron Paul
April 20, 2010

Last week Rep. Ron Paul introduced a very important piece of legislation that he hopes will gain as much or more support as his Audit the Fed bill.  HR 4995, the End the Mandate Act, will repeal provisions of the newly passed health insurance reform bill that give the federal government the power to force Americans to purchase government-approved health insurance.
"If our community does not beget men who have the power to make sound social principles generally acceptable, civilization is lost, whatever the system of government may be." 
~ Ludwig von Mises