January 8-10, 2010
What Price a Planned Economy? (1938):
Friedrich A. Hayek
January 9, 2010
In this classic 1938 essay, Friedrich Hayek writes that the link between classical liberalism and present-day Socialism — often still misnamed liberalism — is undoubtedly the belief that the consummation of individual freedom requires relief from the most pressing economic cares. If this seems attainable only at the price of restricting freedom in economic activity, then that price must be paid; and it may be conceded that most of those who want to restrict private initiative in economic life do so in the hope of creating more freedom in spheres which they value higher. Hayek masterfully shows that central planning in the economic sphere cannot be confined to the economic sphere alone and will, unless renounced, eventually spill over into even the realm of individual thought. A free audio recording of this essay, read by G. Stolyarov II, is available for download here.
Bank Bailout Blues:
Robert P. Murphy
January 9, 2010
Undeterred by the failure of the last injection of taxpayer dollars into a bloated banking system, our financial crusaders in DC are scratching their heads over the best way to flush another few hundred billion away. The latest scheme involves the creation of a “bad bank” that would purchase the so-called “toxic” mortgage-related assets from the troubled institutions. Dr. Robert Murphy writes that every taxpayer who plans on staying in the United States for the next few years should be very concerned when the federal government purposely overpays for assets, and even creates something with the word “bad” in its title to house them.
"Green" Organizations That Hate Energy, America, and You!:
Alan Caruba
January 8, 2010
Alan Caruba doubts that most Americans have a clue what the leading Green organizations like Friends of the Earth and the Sierra Club had as their agenda for 2009. They have already made it known their members, so Mr. Caruba will share it with you.
The Political Chances of Genuine Liberalism (1951):
Ludwig von Mises
January 8, 2010
The outlook of many eminent champions of genuine liberalism was rather pessimistic in 1951. As they saw it, the vitriolic slogans of the socialists and interventionists called forth a better response from the masses than the cool reasoning of judicious men. In this short essay, written nearly 60 years ago, Ludwig von Mises shares his thoughts regarding the outlook for classical liberalism.
When Issues Collide:
Jim Camp
January 9, 2010
The great debate of our times, writes Jim Camp, can be framed by calling it global warming versus financial collapse. It is a negotiation about the future, not only of the United States, but of the entire world.
The Lies About Green Jobs:
Alan Caruba
January 9, 2010
In 2010, the Obama administration says it intends to relieve the job shortage by creating “green jobs” in the sectors of wind and solar power and biofuels. It has announced a program that will cost $2.3 billion, costing approximately $135,000 per job.
Global Warming "Bait-and-Switch":
Paul Driessen
January 10, 2010
Having followed and participated in the global warming debate for nearly 15 years now, Paul Driessen has become convinced that the conduct of climate alarmists closely resemble consumer fraud, in the form of classic bait-and-switch tactics. His article makes a compelling case that this is indeed happening – and presents important facts that voters should keep in the forefront, as Congress and EPA attempt to implement punitive and expensive carbon dioxide reduction schemes. It also highlights the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change that was be held in New York in March of that year.
Climate Change Forecasts are Useless for Policymaking:
Kesten C. Green, J. Scott Armstrong, and Willie Soon
January 10, 2010
Almost every day, media outlets quote “experts” who predict that soaring temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing storms, prolonged droughts and other disasters will result from human activity. Many of these “forecasts” and “predictions” are the product of climate change computer models that produce a variety of “worst-case scenarios.” Others are simply speculations, expectations, scenarios, probabilities, or supposed certainties. However they might be described by their creators, the question is: Are these projections valid? Are they a sound basis for policy decisions that will have incalculable, far-reaching impacts on our energy security, economy, living standards and lives? Read this article by acclaimed scientists Kesten Green, Scott Armstrong, and Willie Soon, and decide for yourself.
It's the Sun, Stupid!:
Willie Soon
January 10, 2010
Many scientists continue to argue that the sun’s influence on our planet’s climate is small, compared to the effects of greenhouse gases. Hundreds of other scientists vigorously disagree. In this carefully reasoned article, Harvard solar and climate scientist Willie Soon presents a strong case for the thesis that the sun remains the dominant mechanism for climate variability, even affecting major oceanic “conveyor belt” currents that are known to influence regional climate conditions – just as it did over eons of carboniferous periods, ice ages, interglacial periods, Medieval climate optimums, and Little Ice Ages.
Painting "Young Judoka" - Part I - Video:
Wendy Stolyarov
January 8, 2010
Mrs. Stolyarov illustrates some of the early steps of her work of art in progress. This painting is inspired by the stories she heard about young children becoming master practitioners (judoka).
"Scientific criticism has no nobler task than to shatter false beliefs."
~ Ludwig von Mises