The best way to advance human life extension is to spread information and knowledge about its feasibility and desirability. Numerous heroic scientists are currently working on many fronts to extend our lifespans – but they need support from the general culture and population to make this happen. This is where all of us come in. We must all acquaint ourselves with this greatest of all challenges (and greatest of all rewards) for human beings to pursue. We must all become intellectually equipped to wage war against the greatest of all enemies – the death sentence that afflicts us all.
This Page:
* Distributed Computing Projects
* Games
- Articles (by Year)
* 1990
* 2001
* 2002
* 2004
* 2005
* 2006
* 2007
* 2008
* 2009
* 2010
* 2011
* 2012
* 2013
* 2014
* 2015
General Informational
* Max More
* British Institute of Posthuman Studies
* Longecity (formerly Immortality Institute)
* RT
* LifeStar
* Vsauce
Distributed Computing Projects
* World Community Grid website
* Supporter of Indefinite Life Extension Badge
* Longevity Appreciation Quiz and Badge
* Longevity is Justice - Quiz and Badge
* Pascal's Wager - Quiz and Badge
* "I-ness" Awareness - Quiz and Badge
* Enemy of Ruin - Quiz and Badge
- "Transhumanism: Towards a Futurist Philosophy" - Max More, Ph.D. - 1990 (Updated 1996) - "Transhumanism and Healthy Life Extension" - Reason - Fight Aging! - November 1, 2001- "Max More and Ray Kurzweil on the Singularity" - - February 26, 2002
“Medical Technology and the State” – Gary M. Pecquet – May 2002
a Philosophy of Immortality” – Marc Geddes – July 22, 2004
“The Quest for Indefinite Life” – Aubrey de Grey – July 29-31, 2004
* Part
Engineered Negligible Senescence
* Part
The Seven Deadly Things and Why There Are Only Seven
* Part
The Progress of SENS
the Unknowable” – G. Stolyarov II – August 14, 2004
- “Principles of Extropy, Version 3.11" – Max More – September 21, 2004
Objectivist-Extropian Synthesis” – G. Stolyarov II – October
14, 2004
Debate between S. Jay Olshansky and Aubrey de Grey – December 3, 2004
* Article by Olshansky – “Don’t fall for the cult of immortality”
* Article by de Grey – “We will be able to live to 1,000”
Fable of the
Dragon-Tyrant” – Nick Bostrom – 2005
of Youth Discovered? Ask the Mouse!” – The Methuselah
Foundation – January
5, 2005
Advantages of Immortality” – G. Stolyarov II – May 28, 2006
Worth Living – Forever” – G. Stolyarov II – December 26, 2006
- “Indefinite lifespan possible for many alive today, experts say" – Dick Pelletier – Positive Futurist
- "Transhumanism as Simplified Humanism" - Eliezer Yudkowsky - June 16, 2007
Atheist’s Response to Pascal’s Wager” – G. Stolyarov II –
December 31, 2007
- "Geneticists Discover a Way to Extend Lifespans to 800 Years" - Annalee Newitz - io9 - January 16, 2008
- "Marquis de Condorcet, Enlightenment proto-transhumanist" - George Dvorsky - IEET - January 26, 2008
Kurzweil’s Predictions on Supercomputer Speed Likely Off by 3 Years”
– G.
Stolyarov II – June 15, 2008
of new U.S. cancer cases drops for first time” – Will Dunham
– Reuters –
November 25, 2008
universal ageing mechanism been found?” – Linda Geddes – New
Scientist –
November 26, 2008
is Going Down!” – G. Stolyarov II – November 29, 2008
David Sinclair Makes Progress in the War on Biological Aging”
– G.
Stolyarov II – December 5, 2008
the World’s Only Immortal Animal” – Mihai Andrei – December
5, 2008
Immortality is Possible: Ask Turritopsis
nutricula!” – G. Stolyarov II – December 13, 2008
Contribute to Human Life Extension: Download Rosetta@home” –
G. Stolyarov
II – January 15, 2009
- “’Immortal’ jellyfish swarming across the world” – The Telegraph – January 27, 2009
- "New
Laser For Neurosurgery Allows Greater Precision And Efficiency For
Removal Of Complex Turmors" – ScienceDaily – January 28, 2009
- “Turritopsis nutricula Proliferation Illustrates the Advantages of Immortality” – G. Stolyarov II – February 3, 2009
- "H+:
True Transhumanism" - Max More - February 5, 2009
- “Singularity University: An Institution Devoted to Progress” – G. Stolyarov II – February 6, 2009
- "Could
We Live Forever? Or Even Come Close?" - CBS News - February
11, 2009
Ocean Quahog: A Clam That Can Live for Over 400 Years” – G.
Stolyarov II –
February 13, 2009
Swift’s Struldbrugs, Immortality, and Negligible Senescence”
– G. Stolyarov
II – February 16, 2009
Biological, Technological, and Societal” – G. Stolyarov II –
April 2, 2009
and Liberty: Which is More Important?” – G. Stolyarov II –
April 7, 2009
Consciousness Survive Physical Discontinuities?” – G.
Stolyarov II – April
9, 2009
is No Experience Worth Dying For” – G. Stolyarov II – April
10, 2009
Religions Come to Adopt a Naturalistic Perspective on Resurrection and
Judgment?” – April 13, 2009
Irrationality of the View That Life is Sometimes Not Worth Living”
– G.
Stolyarov II – April 14, 2009
says life expectancy in
US up, deaths not” – Mike Stobbe – August 19, 2009
- “Progress for Life Expectancy in 2008” – G. Stolyarov II – August 19, 2009
- "Why Catholics Should Support the Transhumanist Goal of Extended Life" - Max More, Ph.D. - September 9, 2009
- "Immortality only 20 years away says scientist" - Amy Willis - The Telegraph - September 22, 2009
- "Overpopulation:
Too Many Damned Malthusians" - Reason - Fight Aging! -
November 24, 2009
- "Life extension – a conservative enterprise? Some fin-de-siècle and early twentieth-century precursors of transhumanism" - Ilia Stambler - Journal of Evolution & Technology - March 2010
- "The Perils of Precaution" - Max More, Ph.D. - 2010
- "The Myth of Stagnation" - Max More, Ph.D. - 2010
- Interview With La Spirale - Max More, Ph.D. - 2010
- “The FDA and Methuselah” – Peter Huber – April 12, 2010
- "Tiny
Particles May Help Surgeons by Marking Brain Tumors" -
ScienceDaily - April 29, 2010
Creates First Synthetic Self-Replicating Bacteria from Scratch”
– Aaron
Saenz – May 20, 2010
‘We didn’t create life from scratch’” – CNN Reports – May 21,
- “Creation of Artificial Cell Deals Fatal Blow to Vitalism” – G. Stolyarov II – May 25, 2010
- "The
Youth Pill: A new book explores the science behind the quest to extend
healthy life span" - David Stipp - The Scientist - June 25,
- “How Can I Live Forever?: What Does and Does Not Preserve the Self” – G. Stolyarov II – August 1, 2010
- "AIs,
Superflies, and the Path to Immortality" - Ben Goertzel -
Genescient - August 10, 2010
Longevity Enhancement Methods Demonstrated in Mice” – Reason
– September
18, 2010
Age of Engineered Cells” – Reason – October 3, 2010
Transformation of Retirement” – Reason – October 31, 2010
- "Discovery in Salamanders Could Lead to Human Limb Regeneration" - Maria Konovalenko - November 1, 2010
Imposition of Death” – G. Stolyarov II – November 24, 2010
- “Is Nuclear DNA Damage a Cause of Aging?” – Reason – November 28, 2010
- "Aging Reversed in Mice: Have Scientists Found Key to Immortality?" - Sammy Rose Saltzman - CBS News - November 29, 2010
- "Kazakhstan President for Life Asks for More Life" - Joshua Norman - CBS News - December 7, 2010
- "Release: Internet Entrepreneur Jason Hope Pledges Half a Million Dollars to SENS Foundation" - Sarah Marr - SENS Research Foundation - December 9, 2010
- "Researchers jumpstart nerve fibers to reverse stroke damage" - Maria Konovalenko - December 10, 2010
- "Here is the Research Needed to Combat Aging" - Maria Konovalenko - December 13, 2010
- "President of Kazakhstan urges scientists to unlock the secret to immortality" - Maria Konovalenko - December 13, 2010
- "Stem cells used to grow functioning human intestine" - Maria Konovalenko - December 15, 2010
- "The main result of the year - The first regenerative medicine surgery in Russia" - Maria Konovalenko - December 30, 2010
- "Food Freezing Technology Preserves Human Teeth. Organs Next?" - Constance J. Woodman - Singularity Hub - January 23, 2011
- "Freezing without cryoprotectants" - Maria Konovalenko - January 29, 2011
- "True DIY Biology: Man Designs and Produces Own Aortic Implant" - Maria Konovalenko - February 3, 2011
- “The Man Who Had HIV and Now Does Not” – Tina Rosenberg – May 29, 2011
- “Cause of ALS is found, Northwestern team says" - William Mullen, Chicago Tribune - August 22, 2011
- "Why Aren't More Wealthy People Funding Aging Research?" - Aubrey de Grey - Life Extension Magazine - September 2011
- "The Ellison Medical Foundation: Paving a New Path for Aging Research" - Aimee Dingwell - Life Extension Magazine - September 2011 (Second part of article is here.)
- "Public Solves Protein Structure" - Jef Akst, The Scientist - September 18, 2011
- "Online gamers crack AIDS enzyme puzzle" - AFP - September 19, 2011
- "Tagging Tumors With Gold: Scientists Use Gold Nanorods to Flag Brain Tumors" - ScienceDaily - October 12, 2011
- "'Elixir of life' pill will let us live until 150" - Jo Willey - Daily Express - October 20, 2011
- "Has the fountain of youth been found?" - Julia Llewelyn-Smith - The Telegraph - October 25, 2011
- "Signs of ageing halted in the lab" - James Gallagher - BBC News - November 2, 2011
- "French Scientists Restored The Youth Of 100 Years Old Cells" - Andrei Riciuon - - November 2, 2011
- "A Demonstration of the Merits of ApoptoSENS" - Reason - Fight Aging! - November 2, 2011
- "Purging Cells in Mice Is Found to Combat Aging Ills" - Nicholas Wade - The New York Times - November 3, 2011
- "Forever young? A way to counteract part of the process of growing old"- The Economist - November 5, 2011
- "Nothin' Gonna Hold Me Back: Clearance of Senescent Cells for Tissue Rejuvenation" - Michael Rae - SENS Foundation - November 6, 2011
- "Scientists Successful in Rejuvenating Cells in Elderly Patients" - Tiffany Kaiser - Daily Tech - November 8, 2011
- "Clearance of p16Ink4a-positive senescent cells delays ageing-associated disorders" - Darren J. Baker, Tobias Wijshake, et al. - Nature - November 10, 2011
- "Key to Aging? Key Molecular Switch for Telomere Extension by Telomerase Identified" - ScienceDaily and University of Illinois at Chicago - November 24, 2011
- "Scientists say they're close to unlocking the secrets of immortality" - Linda Carroll - MSNBC - December 13, 2011
- "Holiday Appeal" - SENS Foundation - December 2011
- "Demonstration for Radical Life Extension in Tel Aviv" - Ilia Stambler - Humanity + Israel - January 26, 2012
- "Longevity Brings Economic Benefits" - Reason - Fight Aging! - January 30, 2012
- "Drug Quickly Reverses Alzheimer's Symptoms in Mice" - Case Western Reserve University Press Release - February 9, 2012
- "Ancient
plants back to life after 30,000 frozen years" - Richard
Black - BBC News - February 20, 2012
- "The Weight of the Inheritors" - Reason - Fight Aging! - February 20, 2012
- "Immortal worms defy aging" - KurzweilAI - February 29, 2012
- "Russia 2045 conference: experts discuss bold vision for human future" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - March 6, 2012
- "Study suggests breakthrough in organ transplants" - Melissa Healy - Los Angeles Times - March 8, 2012
- "The Real War - and Why Inter-Human Wars Are a Distraction" - G. Stolyarov II - March 12, 2012
- "One Drug to Shrink All Tumors" - Sarah C. P. Williams - Science Magazine - March 26, 2012
- "Are
Cancer Stem Cells Ready for Prime Time?" - Suling Liu, Hasan
Korkaya, and Max S. Wicha - The Scientist - April 1, 2012
- "'Backpacking' bacteria to deliver nanomedicines in the body" - - April 2, 2012
- "Technology as the Solution to Existential Risk" - G. Stolyarov II - April 2, 2012
- "Group Set To Sequence 1000 Genomes By The End Of The Year" - Peter Murray - Singularity Hub - April 4, 2012
- "Scientists report major breakthrough in age-related macular degeneration prevention" - - April 8, 2012
- "Nanostars Deliver Cancer Drugs Direct To Nucleus" - Catharine Paddock, PhD - Medical News Today - April 8, 2012
- "Human-machine interfaces: becoming one with our machines" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - April 2012
- "Nanoparticles Home in On Brain Tumors, Boost Accuracy of Surgical Removal" - ScienceDaily - April 15, 2012
- "New treatment for prostate cancer gives 'perfect results' for nine in ten men: research" - Rebecca Smith - The Telegraph - April 16, 2012
- "Soccer Molecule of Youth? Fullerene C60 Increases Lifespan by +90% and Protects Against Free Radicals" - SuppVersity - April 16, 2012
- "Fullerene C60 administration doubles rat lifespan with no toxicity" - - April 17, 2012
- "Eternal health and youth will soon be possible, scientists say" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - April 17, 2012
- "Earth 2512: humans embrace their technologies; reach for the stars" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - April 2012
- "The Dalai Lama has given his blessing to Dmitry Itskov's Avatar 2045 project" - Neurogadget - May 3, 2012
- "Teenager Invents Anti-Aging, Disease-Fighting Compound Using Tree Nanoparticles" - Science 2.0 - May 8, 2012
- "A Libertarian Transhumanist Critique of Jeffrey Tucker's 'A Lesson in Mortality'" - G. Stolyarov II - May 13, 2012
- "Gene therapy for aging-associated decline" - KurzweilAI - May 16, 2012
- "Breakthrough in Gene Therapy Holds Great Promise" - Joshua Lipana - The Objective Standard - May 16, 2012
- "Scientists turn skin cells into beating heart muscle" - Kate Kelland - Reuters - May 22, 2012
- "Is Amyloidosis the Limiting Factor for Human Lifespan?" - Lyle J. Dennis, M.D. - Extreme Longevity - May 22, 2012
- "Israeli scientists create beating heart tissue from skin cells" - The Telegraph - May 23, 2012
- "Heroic Scientists Achieve Major Advancement in Battle Against Cancer" - Michael A. LaFerrara - The Objective Standard - May 30, 2012
- "Paralyzed rats walk again in Swiss lab study" - Chris Wickham - - May 31, 2012
- "New Cancer Drugs Use Body's Own Defenses" - Ron Winslow - Wall Street Journal - June 1, 2012
- "Bristol immune drug shows promise in three cancers" - Julie Steenhuysen - Reuters - June 2, 2012
- "Prostate cancer drug so effective trial stopped" - Victoria Colliver - San Francisco Chronicle - June 2, 2012
- "New 'smart bomb' drug attacks breast cancer, doctors say" - Associated Press - June 3, 2012
- "Alzheimer's vaccine trial a success" - Karolinska Institutet - June 6, 2012
- "Man Cured of AIDS: 'I Feel Good'" - Carrie Gann - ABC News - June 8, 2012
- "Artificial Lifeforms Promise Cleaner World, Healthier Humans" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - June 9, 2012
- "Secret of ageing found: Japanese scientists pave way to everlasting life" - RT - June 9, 2012
- "How aging normal cells fuel tumor growth and metastasis" - Thomas Jefferson University - June 14, 2012
- "People Who Justify Aging are Profoundly Wrong - Aging is Abhorrent" - Maria Konovalenko - Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies - June 14, 2012
- "Scientists tie DNA repair to key cell signaling network" - University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston - June 15, 2012
- "Anti Aging: Researchers Are Going To Infinity And Beyond For Anti-Aging Solutions" - Anthonia Akitunde - Huffington Post - June 16, 2012
- "Deciding How We Age as We Age" - Seth Cochran - h+ Magazine - June 19, 2012
- "How we die (in one chart)" - Sarah Kliff - Washington Post - June 22, 2012
- "Modified humans: the most cost-efficient way to colonize space" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - June 2012
- "Japanese Scientists Grow Human Liver From Stem Cells" - Reuters and Singularity Weblog - June 2012
- "Why Do Naked Mole Rats Live So Long? Do they hold the key to human life extension?" - Maria Konovalenko - Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies - June 29, 2012
- "Scientists Develop Alternative to Gene Therapy" - ScienceDaily - Scripps Research Institute - July 1, 2012
- "How to live beyond 100" - Lucy Wallis - BBC News - July 2, 2012
- "Earth 2050-2100: longer lives; new energy; FTL travel; global village" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - July 3, 2012
- "Scientists discover bees can 'turn back time,' reverse brain aging" - - Arizona State University - July 3, 2012
- "Secret formula may be key to reverse aging" - Mike Holfeld - Click Orlando - July 4, 2012
- "Is there a biological limit to longevity?" - Aubrey de Grey - KurzweilAI - July 5, 2012
- "Demystifying the immortality of cancer cells" - Medical Xpress - July 5, 2012
- "Suggesting a Test of Rapamycin and Metformin Together" - Reason - - July 5, 2012
- "Earth 2050-2100: Longer Lives; New Energy; FTL Travel; Global Village" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - July 7, 2012
- "In Preventing Alzheimer's, Mutation May Aid Drug Quest" - Gina Kolata - The New York Times - July 11, 2012
- "Transforming Cancer Into a Manageable Illness With Multi-Drug Approach" - Peter Reuell - Harvard University and ScienceDaily - July 11, 2012
- "Rapamycin antiaging research and overstated diabetes risks" - David Stipp - Next Big Future - July 12, 2012
- "The Movement for Indefinite Life Extension: The Next Step for Humankind" - G. Stolyarov II - The Rational Argumentator - July 14, 2012
- "Gold nanoparticles and tea compound treat prostate cancer with fewer side effects than chemotherapy" - Phys.Org and University of Missouri-Columbia - July 16, 2012
- "End of human aging can be achieved in 20 years, experts say" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - July 17, 2012
- "Ray Kurzweil: As Humans and Computers Merge... Immortality?" - PBS Video and Singularity Weblog - July 2012
- "Ray Kurzweil on the Singularity and Bringing Back the Dead" - PBS Video and Singularity Weblog - July 2012
- "Can Your iPhone Detect Skin Cancer?" - Amir Khan - International Science Times - July 19, 2012
- “An Atheist Transhumanist Critique of TheThinkingAtheist’s ‘Afterlife’ Video” – Essay by G. Stolyarov II - July 21, 2012
- "Radical life extension: living through the next 1,000 years" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - July 24, 2012
- "Researchers identify the kinds of exercise that help you live longer" - Robert T. Gonzalez - July 24, 2012
- "Kurzweil Talks About Achievable Immortality On PBS NewsHour" - David J. Hill - Singularity Hub - August 1, 2012
- "Do You Want to Be Immortal? Really?" - George M. Young - The Huffington Post - August 1, 2012
- "Top 10 Reasons We Should NOT Fear The Singularity" - Nikola Danaylov (Socrates) - Singularity Weblog - August 2012
- "Top 10 Medical & Technological Advances That Could Help You Live 1,000 Years" - Jim Ciscell - - August 3, 2012
- "Cognitive Machines Offer Many Benefits to Humanity" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist and IEET - August 4, 2012
- "Protein that boosts longevity may protect against diabetes" - Anne Trafton - MedicalXpress - August 8, 2012
- "Would it be boring if we could live forever?" - George Dvorsky - i09 - August 10, 2012
- "Do You Want to Be Immortal? Really? - Yes, Really." - Maria Konovalenko - IEET - August 14, 2012
- "Uploading Won't Help You" - Patrick Hopkins - IEET - August 14, 2012
- "Live 20 More Years and You May Never Die, expert claims" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist and IEET - August 14, 2012
- "The future of nanotechnology electronics in medicine" - Michael Berger - Nanowerk - August 16, 2012
- "Timeline to the 22nd Century" - Dick Pelletier - The Futurist - August 2012
- "Teenager Invents Cancer Test Using Google" - Nikola Danaylov (Socrates) - Singularity Weblog - August 2012
- "Johns Hopkins Researchers Return Blood Cells to Stem Cell State" - Johns Hopkins Medicine - August 21, 2012
- "Scientists Clear Path to the Fountain of Eternal Youth" - Jesus Diaz - Gizmodo - August 23, 2012
- "The Longevity Party - Who Needs it? Who Wants it?" - Ilia Stambler - IEET - August 23, 2012
- "Longevity Running: Life Extension Scientist Bill Andrew’s 138-mile Himalayan Ultramarathon" - Jason Sussberg - IEET - August 24, 2012
- "How Long Do You Want to Live?" - David Ewing Duncan - The New York Times - August 25, 2012
- "Rapid Population Growth: Past Benefits, Today’s Problems, Bold Solutions" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist and IEET - August 25, 2012
- "Severe Diet Doesn’t Prolong Life, at Least in Monkeys" - Gina Kolata - The New York Times - August 29, 2012
- "I am an 'Aging Fighter' Because Life is the Main Human Right, Demand and Desire" - Maria Konovalenko - IEET - September 7, 2012
- "Synthetic Life: Its Wonders Could Revolutionize Our Lives" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist and IEET - September 8, 2012
- "A High-Level Glance at Life Extension Technologies" - Reason - Fight Aging! - September 10, 2012
- "Honor Our Victims by Supporting the War" - Post-libertarianism - September 11, 2012
- "Human Muscle, Regrown on Animal Scaffolding" - Henry Fountain - The New York Times - September 16, 2012
- "Launching a new war on cancer" - Mirian Falco - CNN - September 21, 2012
- "New breast cancer clues found in gene analysis" - The Associated Press - September 23, 2012
- "'Scar free healing' in mice may give clues to human skin repair, says study" - James Gallagher - BBC News - September 26, 2012
- "Scientists Make Old Muscles Young Again in Attempt to Combat Aging" - Science Daily and King's College London - September 26, 2012
- "The Effects Of Aging On Muscles May Be Explained By Inadequate Cellular Rest" - Medical News Today - September 28, 2012
- "All systems go at the biofactory" - LMU Munich - September 28, 2012
- "Our Healthcare Future: Personalized Medicine Leads the Way" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist and IEET - September 29, 2012
- "Zinc Deficiency Mechanism Linked to Aging, Multiple Diseases" - ScienceDaily and Oregon State University - October 1, 2012
- "Nanoparticles Against Aging" - Science Daily and Asociación RUVID - October 3, 2012
- "Nanoparticles can deliver antiaging therapies" - Brian Wang - The Next Big Future - October 4, 2012
- "A Speculative Order of Arrival for Important Rejuvenation Therapies" - Reason - Fight Aging! - October 4, 2012
- "Therapy will use stem cells to heal heart" - Pauline Tam - October 4, 2012
- "Aubrey de Grey on Longevity Science" - Reason - Fight Aging! - October 5, 2012
- "Predicted sequence of Antiaging rejuvenation" - Brian Wang - The Next Big Future - October 5, 2012
- "Researchers use magnets to cause programmed cancer cell deaths" - Bob Yirka - October 8, 2012
- "Lilly Alzheimer’s Drug Slows Mental Decline, Study Finds" - Shannon Pettypiece - October 8, 2012
- "Vitamin Variants Could Combat Cancer as Scientists Unravel B12 Secrets" - ScienceDaily and University of Kent - October 8, 2012
- "Human Immortality: Singularity Summit Looks Forward to the Day That Humans Can Live Forever" - Hamdan Azhar - Policymic - October 2012
- "Drug From Chinese ‘Thunder God Vine’ Slays Tumors in Mice" - Drew Armstrong - Bloomberg - October 17, 2012
- "82 Years of Technology Advances; but best yet to come" - Dick Pelletier - - October 25, 2012
- "New you by 2022: biotech enhancements will help you 'grow young'" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - October 2012
- "Flu Vaccination May Increase Longevity" - Lyle J. Dennis, M.D. - Extreme Longevity - October 29, 2012
- "Studies Find Cancer Comes in More Shades Than Pink" - Virginia Postrel - Bloomberg - October 30, 2012
- "Cancer Breakthroughs Meet Market Realities" - Virginia Postrel - Bloomberg - October 31, 2012
- "IBM's Watson supercomputer goes to medical school" - BBC - October 31, 2012
- "Dead as a Doornail?" - Peter Rothman - h+ Magazine - November 1, 2012
- "Researchers quantify how many years of life are gained by being physically active" - MedicalXpress and Brigham and Women's Hospital - November 6, 2012
- "An Outcast Among Peers Gains Traction on Alzheimer's Cure" - Jeanne Whalen - Wall Street Journal - November 9, 2012
- "Solving the Mystery of Aging: Longevity Gene Makes Hydra Immortal and Humans Grow Older" - ScienceDaily and Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel - November 13, 2012
- "Wake Up, Deathists! - You DO Want to LIVE 10,000 Years!" - Hank Pellissier - Immortal Life - November 13, 2012
- "Continuous supply of rejuvenated stem cells shown as a path to radical longevity" - Brian Wang - The Next Big Future - November 14, 2012
- "Matching DNA With Medical Records To Crack Disease And Aging" - Jon Hamilton - NPR - November 19, 2012
- "Future of space: great promise, but many challenges yet to be solved" - Dick Pelletier - Positive Futurist - November 20, 2012
- "Chemo-Baths for Single Organs, A New Ear from One’s Own Tissue, and a Wealth of Knowledge for the Developing World: Good News Abounds" - Joshua Lipana - The Objective Standard - November 21, 2012
- "Wistar Scientists Further Unravel Telomere Biology" - Brian Wang - The Next Big Future - November 21, 2012
- "Political Priorities for Achieving Indefinite Life Extension: A Libertarian Approach" - G. Stolyarov II - The Rational Argumentator - November 22, 2012
- "Removing Large and Unnecessary Costs Imposed Upon Medicine" - Reason - Fight Aging! - November 22, 2012
- "Increased Longevity in Mice by Removing Cardiotrophin 1" - Reason - Fight Aging! - November 23, 2012
- "Hatching Ideas, and Companies, by the Dozens at M.I.T." - Hannah Seligson - The New York Times - November 24, 2012
- "We're living the dream; we just don't realize it" - Steven Johnson - CNN - November 24, 2012
- "Transhumanism as a Grand Conservatism" - G. Stolyarov II - The Rational Argumentator - November 25, 2012
- "My open source cure for brain cancer" - Salvatore Iaconesi - CNN - November 25, 2012
- "Visceral Fat Associated With Higher Mortality Rates" - Reason - Fight Aging! - November 26, 2012
- "Can a Jellyfish Unlock the Secret of Immortality?" - Nathaniel Rich - The New York Times - November 28, 2012
- "Former FDA Commissioner Admits Risk of Bureaucratic Delay" - William Faloon - Life Extension Magazine - December 2012
- "The “Wicked Problem” of Existential Risk with AI (Artificial Intelligence)" - Mark Waser - December 8, 2012
- "Road to immortality: why aren’t oldest humans getting older?" - Dick Pelletier - IEET - December 10, 2012
- "Should We Live to 1,000?" - Peter Singer - Project Syndicate - December 10, 2012
- "Zapped by laser, nanobubbles kill cancer" - Mike Williams-Rice - Futurity - December 10, 2012
- "Live Long… and the World Prospers" - David Kekich - - December 12, 2012
- "Alzheimer’s Treatment Could Restore Brain Cell Memory" - Sean Patterson - WebProNews - December 13, 2012
- "Nanomedicine: nanobots could eliminate all diseases; even death" - Dick Pelletier - IEET - December 13, 2012
- "Singer endorses anti-ageing campaign" - Michael Cook - BioEdge - December 14, 2012
- "Will indefinite lifespan become reality? The possibilities are there!" - Dick Pelletier - IEET - December 14, 2012
- "New Study Shows Olympic Medalists Live Longer Than The Rest Of Us" - Mack Rawden - Pop Blend - December 15, 2012
- "Top 10 Towns for a Healthy Long Life" - Hank Pellissier - - December 15, 2012
- "Scientists develop potential anti-aging formula (for mice)" - Adario Strange - Dvice - December 20, 2012
- "The Singularity: what to expect when machines get smarter than us" - Dick Pelletier - IEET - December 25, 2012
- "Living Forever - the Biggest Fear in the most Audacious Hope" - Khannea Suntzu - - December 27, 2012
- "Why I View the Future with Optimism" - Dick Pelletier - IEET - December 29, 2012
- "The Future of Medicine Is Now" - The Wall Street Journal - December 31, 2012
- "The Singularity Institute and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies" - Singuarity Utopia - - December 31, 2012
- "Could this man hold the secret to human regeneration?" - Cynthia Graber - Matter - December 2012
- "Top 10 Ways You Could Live Forever" - GCChange - Listverse - January 1, 2013
- "Aubrey and SENS Expect to Announce Lysosens success which will help prevent cardiovascular disease" - Brian Wang - The Next Big Future - January 3, 2013
- "Fragile Reasoning in Nassim Taleb’s Antifragile: An Enlightenment Transhumanist Critique" - G. Stolyarov II - - January 13, 2013
- "Extreme Lifespans though Perpetual-Equalising Interventions (Human Biological Immortality)" - Marios Kyriazis - - January 16, 2013
- "Radical Life Extension and the Spirit at the Core of a Human Rights Movement" - Eric Schulke - - January 19, 2013
- "Indefinite lifespan possible in 20 years, expert predicts" - Dick Pelletier - IEET - January 22, 2013
- "Common Misconceptions about Transhumanism – is it a cult that seeks to destroy humanity?" - G. Stolyarov II - - January 27, 2013
- "Six Libertarian Reforms to Accelerate Life Extension" - G. Stolyarov II - - February 14, 2013
- "Are Immortalists 'Thanatophobic'? No - What’s True is - Deathists are 'Vitaphobic'" - Hank Pellissier - Immortal Life - February 17, 2013
- "The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences: Turning the Tide for Life Extension" - G. Stolyarov II - - February 21, 2013
- "Computer Games, Distributed Computing, and Life Extension" - G. Stolyarov II - - February 25, 2013
- "MILE: Guide to the Movement for Indefinite Life Extension" - Eric Schulke - - February 26, 2013
- "How Long Can We Live? - Medicine Will Transcend the Limits of Biology" - David A. Kekich - - February 26, 2013
- "Why It Is Ethical to Cure the Disease of Aging" - Maria Konovalenko - - February 27, 2013
- "Traceable nanoparticles may be the next weapon in cancer treatment" - Karin Söderlund Leifler and Peter Larsson - KTH Royal Institute of Technology - March 4, 2013
- "Stem cells and bioprinters take aim at heart disease, cancer, aging" - Dick Pelletier - IEET - March 5, 2013
- "Joggers Live Longer" - Lyle J. Dennis, M.D. - Extreme Longevity - March 5, 2013
- "Stomach cancer 'spotted by breath test'" - Michelle Roberts - BBC News - March 5, 2013
- "U.S. doctor's 'gutsy' move led to baby's cure from HIV" - Emily Le Coz and Julie Steenhuysen - NewsDaily - March 6, 2013
- "New Study Validates Longevity Pathway: Findings Identify Universal Mechanism for Activating Anti-Aging Pathway" - David Cameron - Harvard Medical School - March 7, 2013
- "Anti-Aging Drug Breakthrough" - ScienceDaily and University of New South Wales - March 8, 2013
- "The techno-geeks who are seeking the key to immortality" - John Hearne - - March 9, 2013
- "What Will Humans Look Like in 2033?" - David Kekich - - March 11, 2013
- "Drugs to Safely Slow Aging May be on the Horizon" - Lyle J. Dennis, M.D. - Extreme Longevity - March 13, 2013
- "Antibody Engineered to Attack Proteins Inside Cells, Could Lead to Aging Reduction" - Lyle J. Dennis, M.D. - Extreme Longevity - March 14, 2013
- "Device keeps liver 'alive' outside body in medical first" - Kate Kelland - Reuters - March 15, 2013
- "Russian Tycoon Aims to Make Immortality a Reality Using Robots" - Cadie Thompson - - March 15, 2013
- "Morality needs Immortality to Live: In order to be Go(o)d we Can’t Die!, says Kant" - Franco Cortese - - March 16, 2013
- "Cynthia Kenyon: 'The idea that ageing was subject to control was completely unexpected'" - Catherine de Lange - The Observer - March 16, 2013
- "Longecity Podcast with Dr. Marios Kyriazis" - Marios Kyriazis - Immortal Life - March 18, 2013
- "Active, optimistic life as important to longevity as good genes" - Carolyn Susman - Palm Beach Daily News - March 18, 2013
- "End of Aging: Life in a World where People no longer Grow Old and Die" - Dick Pelletier - Immortal Life - March 19, 2013
- "This Protein Could Change Biotech Forever" - Matthew Herper - Forbes - March 19, 2013
- "Progress in Personalized Medicine: MetaMed & More" - Michael Anissimov - H+ Magazine - March 20, 2013
- "Effects of Indefinite Life on Criminal Punishment" - G. Stolyarov II - The Rational Argumentator - March 20, 2013
- "Regenerative Heart Medicine Could Get Boost With Nanotechnology" - Red Orbit - March 21, 2013
- "We Already Live in a Gerontocracy" - Reason - Fight Aging! - March 22, 2013
- "Will Old People Take Over the World?" - George Dvorsky - io9 - March 22, 2013
- "4 in 5 of Americans Don’t Think Death Exists?" - Franco Cortese - - March 23, 2013
- "Who Are the True 'Deathists'?" - G. Stolyarov II - The Rational Argumentator - March 24, 2013
- "Advances in Telomere Research and Testing" - Preston Estep III and Alex Hoekstra - - March 24, 2013
- "How Will Religions Respond to Indefinite Life Extension?" - G. Stolyarov II - The Rational Argumentator - March 25, 2013
- "Is 'Deathism' a Useful Term?" - Reason - Fight Aging! - March 26, 2013
- "Private or Governmental Funding for Indefinite Life Extension?" - G. Stolyarov II - The Rational Argumentator - March 27, 2013
- "'Fountain of Youth' Telomerase: Scientists Successfully Map Enzyme That Has Rejuvenating Effect On Cells" - ScienceDaily and University of Copenhagen - March 27, 2013
- "The £5 spit test that predicts the risk of cancer - and it could be available on the NHS within five years" - Fiona Macrae - Daily Mail - March 27, 2013
- "Is Immortality In Our Future?" - Dick Pelletier - IEET - March 28, 2013
- "Stem Cell Researchers Reverse Aging of Blood" - Mark Hoffman - Science World Report - March 28, 2013
- "How one Russian millionaire wants to save the world … with immortal cyborgs" - Andrew Couts - Digital Trends - March 28, 2013
- "Why Prioritize SENS Research for Human Longevity?" - Reason - Fight Aging! - March 28, 2013
- "People who age prematurely could soon benefit from rejuvenation therapies" - George Dvorsky - io9 - March 29, 2013
- "3-D Scaffolds a New Tool to Fight Cancer" - ScienceDaily and Mike Williams of Rice University - April 2, 2013
- "Siberian scientists test anti-ageing pills on themselves" - Yelena Zhukova - RIA Novosti - April 4, 2013
- "Cancer Cure In 'Fountain Of Youth' Enzyme?" - Anu Passary - iTechPost - April 4, 2013
- "Breakthrough: Curing Cancer With No Side Effects" - Iddo Genuth - The Future of Things - April 4, 2013
- "5 billionaires who want to live forever" - Jennifer Alsever - CNNMoney - April 4, 2013
- "On Aging and Opportunity Costs of Aging" - Reason - Immortal Life - April 7, 2013
- "Strategies for Hastening the Arrival of Indefinite Life Extension" - G. Stolyarov II - Transhumanity - April 7, 2013
- "Killing Deathist Cliches: Down with 'Death-Gives-Meaning-To-Life'" - Franco Cortese - Transhumanity - April 8, 2013
- "Researchers Create Next-Generation Alzheimer's Disease Model" - ScienceDaily and NIH/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke - April 9, 2013
- "Hail and Farewell" - Kat Laurange - Peregrinations - April 9, 2013
- "‘What seems to be the problem?’ – Hollywood’s anti-immortality" - B.J. Murphy - Transhumanity - April 10, 2013
- "Will Google's Ray Kurzweil Live Forever?" - Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. - Wall Street Journal - April 12, 2013
- "Longevity - What the Research Says" - Davison Westmoreland - Immortal Life - April 12, 2013
- "Liberty Through Long Life" - G. Stolyarov II - The Rational Argumentator - April 14, 2013
- "Immortality is NOT a Waste of Time" - B.J. Murphy - Transhumanity - April 17, 2013
- "Longevity Throughout History" - Sharon Basaraba - - April 21, 2013
- "Indefinite Life Extensionists: tell people to go the MILE, point the way" - Movement for Indefinite Life Extension - Immortal Life - April 23, 2013
- "Do these startling longevity studies mean your lifespan could double?" - George Dvorsky - io9 - April 30, 2013
- "On Beyond 100: New Clues to a Long Life" - Stephen S. Hall - National Geographic - May 2013
- "Scientists find key to ageing process in hypothalamus" - Ian Sample - The Guardian - May 1, 2013
- "Scientists Discover a Brain Region That Controls Aging" - Caroline Winter - BloombergBusinessweek - May 2, 2013
- "The Moral Imperative and Technical Feasibility of Defeating Death" - Franco Cortese - The Rational Argumentor - May 5, 2013
- "Life Extension and the Significance of Death" - Gyreck - Transhumanity - May 6, 2013
- "Scientists Advance 3D Printing Toward Fabrication of Living Tissues and Functional Organs" - Mikayla Callen - The Objective Standard - May 9, 2013
- "Immortality: Material or Ethereal? Nanotech Does Both!" - Franco Cortese - The Rational Argumentor - May 11, 2013
- "The Greatest Problem of the Human Condition and a Partial Solution" - G. Stolyarov II - Transhumanity - May 12, 2013
- "Slowing the Aging Process - Only With Antibiotics" - ScienceDaily and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - May 22, 2013
- "3-D printer helps save dying baby" - Stephanie Smith - CNN - May 23, 2013
- "The Hubris of Neo-Luddism" - Franco Cortese - Transhumanity - May 29, 2013
- "Cheat the End" - Ann Reynolds - Huffington Post - June 6, 2013
- "3D Printed Windpipe Saves Baby's Life" - Peter Murray - Singularity Hub - June 12, 2013
- "Transhumanism, Technology, and Science: To Say It's Impossible it to Mock History Itself" - Franco Cortese - June 12, 2013
- "How to get the world to do something about death" - Movement for Indefinite Life Extension - Immortal Life - August 12, 2013
- "8-Year-Old Never Ages, Could Reveal 'Biological Immortality'" - Susan Donaldson James - ABC News - August 16, 2013
- "Children With Disease of Never Aging May Offer Clues to Immortality" - Lyle J. Dennis - Extreme Longevity - August 18, 2013
- "Origami Cranes and the Transhumanist Philosopher" - Zoltan Istvan - Psychology Today - September 19, 2013
- "UK researchers discover how to halt death of brain cells, a turning point in the fight against Alzheimer's" - Brian Wang - Next Big Future - October 10, 2013
- "Immortal Life Q&A with 'I am a little mouse and I want to live longer!' crowdfunding project" - Immortal Life - October 11, 2013
- "Wanted: A New Psychology; Interview with Futurist Gray Scott" - Zoltan Istvan- Psychology Today - October 17, 2013
- "Are genetically engineered organs the solution to donor shortages?" - Hope Gillette - VOXXI - November 18, 2013
- "Solving the Deficit Crisis with Life Extension" - Michael Anissimov - Accelerating Future - November 26, 2013
- "Jason Hope on Philanthropy" - Reason - - November 26, 2013
- "How to Survive the Pre-Singularity Era (Part I)" - Christine Gaspar - IEET - December 1, 2013
- "I'm an Atheist, Therefore I'm a Transhumanist" - Zoltan Istvan - Huffington Post - December 5, 2013
- "Arts: 'You may not die'" - H+ Magazine - December 5, 2013
- "Short review of new children’s book, ‘Death is Wrong’" - B.J. Murphy - The Proactionary Transhumanist - December 7, 2013
- "Why Do We Age? A 46-Species Comparison" - Virginia Hughes - National Geographic - December 8, 2013
- "Could humans live to 500 years old? Scientists believe genetic tweaks could significantly extend our lifespan" - Sarah Griffiths - Daily Mail - December 13, 2013
- "Five-fold lifespan extension in C. Elegans by combining mutants" - Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence - December 16, 2013
- "A Children's Book Ponders Death: Review and Q&A with creators of new children's book: Death is Wrong" - Zoltan Istvan - Psychology Today - December 17, 2013
- "Supercomputers Help Researchers Identify Key Molecular Switch That Controls Cell Behavior" - ScienceDaily and Oak Ridge National Laboratory - December 17, 2013
- "Zoltan Istvan is Right - Atheists Need to Evolve into Transhumanists" - Hank Pellissier - Brighter Brains - December 18, 2013
- "Reversing Aging: Not as Crazy as You Think" - Alice Park - Time - December 19, 2013
- "Turning back time: ageing reversed in mice" - Laasya Samhita - New Scientist - December 19, 2013
- "Anti-ageing compound set for human trials after turning clock back for mice" – Oliver Milman – The Guardian – December 19, 2013
- "A Brace of Papers from the Longevity Genetics Community" - Reason - Fight Aging! - December 20, 2013
- "Scientists find way to make ageing clock stop ticking" - Bridie Smith - The Age - December 20, 2013
- "Australian and US scientists reverse ageing in mice, humans could be next" - December 21, 2013
- "Why I Wrote a Children’s Book on Indefinite Life Extension" - G. Stolyarov II - The Rational Argumentator - December 21, 2013
- "Embracing Thanatophobia" - Peter Wicks - IEET - December 22, 2013
- "Breakthrough in Brain Repair" - Alzheimer's & Dementia Weekly - December 22, 2013
- "Researchers Uncover PLD3 Alzheimer's Gene" - Alzheimer's & Dementia Weekly - December 22, 2013
- "Transhumanism 101: Defying Human Nature One Cyborg Limb at a Time" - Frances Martel - Breitbart - December 25, 2013
- "The rat race can wait, the universe is calling" - Movement for Indefinite Life Extension - Immortal Life - December 25, 2013
- "3-D printed livers offer glimpse into the future of biomedical research" - Yannick LeJacq - NBC News - December 27, 2013
- "Patient doing well with French company's artificial heart: report" - Natalie Huet - Reuters - December 29, 2013
2014- "5 Future Forecasts That Will Change the World" - Gray Scott - Serious Wonder - January 1, 2014
- "Turning off the ‘aging genes’" - KurzweilAI - January 3, 2014
- "Gene Therapy Turns Several Leukemia Patients Cancer Free. Will It Work for Other Cancers, Too?" - Cameron Scott - Singularity Hub - January 6, 2014
- "Metastatic cancer cells implode on protein contact" - Blaine Friedlander - Cornell Chronicle - January 6, 2014
- "Sprezzatura: How Transhumanists Can Improve Themselves by Looking Into The Past" - Dustin Ashley - H+ Magazine - January 7, 2014
- "Evolution is Changing" - Frank A. Weil - Huffington Post - January 13, 2014
- "6 Signs That Reality is Catching Up with Science-Fiction" - Toussaint Egan - Aurora University - Mental Floss - January 19, 2014
- "Revolutionary New Algorithm Succeeds In Prolonging Life" -
- "A Spanish-Language Interview With Aubrey de Grey" – Reason – The Rational Argumentator – February 2, 2014
2015- "The Anti-Aging Pill" - Karen Weintraub - MIT Technology Review - February 3, 2015
- "Google Aims a $50 Million Moonshot at Curing Heart Disease" - Davey Alba - WIRED - November 16, 2015
- "The Immortals Among Us" - Reason - - November 17, 2015
- "Google Life Sciences to Fund Heart Disease Program" - Reason - The Rational Argumentator - November 22, 2015
Informational Resources
- “Arctica islandica” - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
- "Ben Franklin and Joseph Priestley on life extension and scientific progress" - FIS - Foundation for Infinite Survival
- Wikipedia, the
Free Encyclopedia
Death: The
Immortal Life Cycle of Turritopsis” – Developmental
Biology, Ninth Edition – Scott F. Gilbert
- “Extropianism” - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
- "Indefinite Lifespan" - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
- “Libertarian transhumanism” - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
“List of Some Animals and Plants with Negligible Senescence” - Human Ageing Genomic Resources
- “Singularitarianism” - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
- Wikipedia, the
Free Encyclopedia
nutricula” - Wikipedia,
the Free
How will nanobots change medicine?
TedMedLiveIsrael - May 17, 2013
Laura Deming
Just do it: Laura Deming at TEDxYouth@Tallinn
December 25, 2012 Aubrey de Grey
Aubrey de Grey: A roadmap to end aging
January 16, 2007
Panel with Peter Thiel, Aubrey de Grey, Eliezer Yudkowsky
Singularity Summit 2009
Cushing Academy: Panel on Aging - Dr. Aubrey de Grey
December 14, 2009
Aubrey de Grey at TEDMED 2009 - TEDMED 2009
May 5, 2010
Aubrey de Grey's Plan to Stop Aging - BigThink
June 2, 2011
Aubrey de Grey: The Economics of Immortality - BigThink
June 2, 2011
Aubrey de Grey: There's Nothing Natural About Dying- BigThink
June 2, 2011
Aubrey de Grey: What is human nature?- BigThink
June 2, 2011
Aubrey de Grey on his Creative Process- BigThink
June 2, 2011
What Keeps Aubrey de Grey Up At Night- BigThink
June 2, 2011
Aubrey de Grey: What is ageism?- BigThink
June 2, 2011
Aubrey de Grey: Meet Those Opposed to Living Forever- BigThink
June 2, 2011
The Beginning of the End of Cancer?- BigThink
June 2, 2011
Aubrey de Grey at SENS3 - Presentation on the biogerontological impact of non-specific nDNA damage
August 24, 2011
Regenerative Medicine Against Aging - Lecture at MIT Club of Northern California
October 26, 2011
An Immortal Life? An Evening with Aubrey de Grey
October 26, 2011
The Latest With Stem Cells Show - Thomas Ichim, CEO of MediStem, and Dr. Aubrey de Grey
December 2, 2011
Aubrey de
Grey - Regenerative Medicine - The Rational
December 30, 2011
TEDxOxford - Aubrey de Grey - The Fountain of Youth
January 6, 2012
Aubrey de Grey: Ageing, longevity and big business
January 26, 2012
Debate with Colin Blakemore: "This house wants to defeat ageing entirely"
The Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford University - April 28, 2012
TEDxUChicago 2012 - Aubrey de Grey - Age Theory
May 25, 2012
Aubrey de Grey - Aging & Suffering - Interview with Adam Ford - May 31, 2012
Aubrey de Grey talks to Basil Gelpke about ageing and living forever - August 22, 2012 Aubrey - Progress - Evidence Studios, Los Angeles 2012 - December 2012 Debate with Richard Faragher: A Cure for Ageing?
Part I: Common Ground
Part II: Dr Aubrey de Grey
Part III: Prof. Richard Faragher
The Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford University - March 10, 2013
Why it is a sin NOT to strive to develop medicine that eliminates aging
Presentation to the Mormon Transhumanist Association - April 5, 2013
Quantum Physicist David Deutsch speaks with Aubrey de Grey
April 11, 2013 Zoltan IstvanThe Beauty of Being Alive - TEDxTransmedia
December 11, 2014
Transhumanist Zoltan Istvan on His Presidential Campaign - Interview by Nikola Danaylov
November 20, 2015
Speech at the Church of Perpetual Life
November 21, 2015
Ray Kurzweil Talks to Basil Gelpke
March 20, 2011
From Eliza Watson to Passing the Turing Test - Singularity Summit 2011October 25, 2011
Ray Kurzweil Documentary - James Bedsole - Extended Version
December 29, 2013
Ray Kurzweil Interview - Kurzweil discusses living forever
January 3, 2014
Michio Kaku on The Singularity - Excerpt from Sci Fi Science
November 13, 2010
How to Reverse Aging - BigThink
May 31, 2011
Genetics: The Key to Immortality? - BigThink
May 31, 2011
Max More -
The Singularity and Transhumanism - The Rational Future
Max More - Essential Transhumanism - HPlus Hong Kong
January 22, 2012
Jason SosaThe Coming Transhuman Era - TEDxGrandRapids
June 24, 2014
David Sinclair at TEDMED 2009 - TEDMED 2009
May 3, 2010
2008 – January
Part 2 – Death as Ultimate Harm
Part 3 – The Boredom Argument
Part 4 – The Overpopulation Argument
Part 5 – The “Playing God” Argument
Part 6 – On Aging and Diversity of Ideas
Part 7 – Ayn Rand’s “Immortal Robot” Argument
Part 8 – Refuting the Motivation Argument
Part 9 – Turning the Motivation Argument Around
Part 10 – The Immortal Wealthy Elite Argument
Part 11 – Death and Taxes – Immortal and Negligibly
Senescing Creatures
Part 12 – Cognitive Dissonance and Euphemisms
Regarding Death
Part 13 – Biological Versus Technological Evolution
Part 14 – The Seven Causes of Death via Senescence
Part 15 – How Indefinite Life Will Come About
Part 16 – Why Immortality Will Win
Part 18 – Never Seek Government Funding
Part 19 – Life is Not an Illusion
from Death – Audio Broadcasts by G. Stolyarov II
2010 – August
#1.1: The Race for Indefinite Life
#1.2: The Race for Indefinite Life
#2: Misunderstandings of Indefinite Life Extension
#3: Special-Interest Resistance and How to Overcome
#6: Challenging Famous Atheists on Death
#7: Earthquakes and Other Catastrophes – Changing
Human Priorities
#8: Sam Harris’s Views on Life Extension
#9: Against the Callahan-Nuland Anti-Life Proposal
#10: Refuting Clendinen, Brooks, and Lawler on Death
of Indefinite Life Extension – Video Series by G. Stolyarov II
2011 –
January 2012
- Economic Effects of Life Extension
- Life Extension, Crime, and Criminal Justice
Religion and Indefinite Life Extension
Transhumanism and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Libertarian Life-Extension
Reforms – Video
Series by G. Stolyarov II
December 2012
- #1 – Repeal FDA Approval Requirements
- #2 – Abolishing Medical Licensing Protectionism
- #3-4 – Abolishing Medical and Software Patent Monopolies
- #5 – Reestablishing the Doctor-Patient Relationship
- #6 – Medical Research Instead of Military Spending
Other Videos
on Indefinite Life Extension by G. Stolyarov II
- ALS Cause and Protein-Folding Prediction - Thoughts on Two Impressive Scientific Discoveries - September 20, 2011
- Steve Jobs on Death: A Critique - October 9, 2011
- Combating Aging's Ravages - Advances in Minnesota and France - November 12, 2011
- Thoughts on Hitchens's "Trial of the Will" and Sidney Hook's Views on Death - December 12, 2011
- The Real War - and Why Inter-Human Wars Are a Distraction - March 15, 2012
- A Libertarian Transhumanist Critique of Jeffrey Tucker's "A Lesson in Mortality" - May 15, 2012
- An Atheist Transhumanist Critique of TheThinkingAtheist’s "Afterlife" Video - July 21, 2012
- Non-Apocalypse, Existential Risk, and Why Humanity Will Prevail - December 31, 2012
- Computer Games, Distributed Computing, and Life Extension - February 25, 2013
- The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences: Turning the Tide for Life Extension - February 26, 2013
- Join the Movement for Indefinite Life Extension: The Most Forward-Thinking Minds Are Not Alone - April 4, 2013
- Liberty Through Long Life - April 22, 2013
- Life Extension and Risk Aversion - April 29, 2013
- Thoughts on Zoltan Istvan's The Transhumanist Wager - A Review - May 20, 2013
- Refutation of RockingMrE's "Transhuman Megalomania" Video - August 11, 2013
- Indefinite Life Extension is Achievable - August 15, 2013
- Transhumanism and Mind Uploading Are Not the Same - August 19, 2013
- Calico and the Paradigm Shift in the War on Death - October 2, 2013
- Evolution Has No Moral Value; Life Extension Does - October 14, 2013
- Transhumanism as the Logical Extrapolation of Humanism - October 16, 2013
- SENS or Cryonics?: My Answer to a Hypothetical Choice - November 19, 2013
- Life Expectancy is Growing at the Upper End, Too - November 25, 2013
- Death is Wrong: Illustrated Children's Book on Life Extension - Announcement and Short Excerpt - December 18, 2013
- Technological Singularities: An Overview - January 6, 2014
- The Greatest Wealth: Life - January 9, 2014
Aziz Aboobaker
Neverending DNA and Immortal Worms - February 27, 2012
Sonia Arrison on "How the Coming Age of Longevity Will Change Everything" - Singularity Summit 2011
October 24, 2011
Medicine's Future - TED Talk
September 15, 2011
Daniel Kraft, MD, Singularity Univ / Bioniq Health, w/ Tim Reha, Digital Health Summit CES 2014
January 9, 2014
Michael Shermer: "Social Singularity: Transitioning from Civilization 1.0 to 2.0" - Singularity Summit 2011
October 23, 2011
* Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
* Part 4
* Part 5
* Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
* Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
* Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
* Part 4
* Part 5a
* Part 5b
January 16,
* Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
* Part 4
Daniel Kraft on Singularity 1 on 1: Interview by Nikola Danaylov
January 31,
* Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
* Part 4
- Ramez Naam on Singularity 1 on 1: Interview by Nikola Danaylov
February 9, 2012 * Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
* Part 4
- Steven Kotler on Singularity 1 on 1: Interview by Nikola Danaylov
February 15, 2012 * Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
* Part 4
- Eric Boyd on Singularity 1 on 1: Interview by Nikola Danaylov
February 19, 2012* Part 1
* Part 2
* Part 3
- Anders Sandberg on Singularity 1 on 1: We Are All Amazingly Stupid, But We Can Get Better - May 27, 2012
- Hugo de Garis on Singularity 1 on 1: Are We Building Gods or Terminators? - June 2012
- Transhumanism 2010 with Natasha Vita-More - August 2012
- Ray Kurzweil on Singularity 1 on 1: Be Who You Would Like to Be - October 13, 2012
- Jack Andraka on Singularity 1 on 1: The Internet Is Not A Distraction - January 2013
- Newtonbrook Secondary School Presentation - February 28, 2013
- Zero State Founder Amon Kalkin on Singularity 1 on 1: Reject Apathy! - May 2013
December 30,
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Why I am a
– Video by Zinnia Jones
21, 2009
pursuit of technological
immortality – Video by Zinnia Jones
February 2,
Why not
immortality? –
Video by Zinnia Jones
February 6, 2011
false dichotomy of the afterlife –
Video by Zinnia Jones
Science Against Aging - Video from the "Science for Life Extension" Foundation
January 3, 2010Dark Matter of Transhumanism
March 29, 2013
Stephen Hawking
Brave New World with Stephen Hawking - Episode 2: Health
January 2012
Brave New World with Stephen Hawking - Episode 5: Biology
January 2012
Dmitry ItskovDmitry Itskov on "Project 'Immortality 2045' - Russian Experience" - Singularity Summit 2011
October 25, 2011
Dmitry Itskov on the Philosophy of Immortality - MotherboardTV
June 19, 2013
The Most Exciting Cancer Research Today - BigThink
June 20, 2011
Peter Thiel
Panel with Peter Thiel, Aubrey de Grey, Eliezer Yudkowsky
Singularity Summit 2009
Peter Thiel on "Back to the Future" at Singularity Summit 2011
October 23, 2011
Jack Andraka
For A World Without Cancer: Jack Andraka at TEDxOrangeCoast
November 5, 2012
Steven Austad
State of Tomorrow Interview with Dr. Steven N. Austad: Animals & Aging
February 13, 2009
Talk - Aging - Steven N. Austad, Ph. D.
June 15, 2012
Anthony Atala
Anthony Atala at TEDMED 2009
January 21, 2010
Alex Dainis
Longevity and Telomeres - Bite Sci-zed
October 22, 2012
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Panel with Peter Thiel, Aubrey de Grey, Eliezer Yudkowsky
Singularity Summit 2009
British Institute of Posthuman Studies
PostHuman: An Introduction to Transhumanism
November 5, 2013
Longecity (formerly Immortality Institute)
November 5, 2005
Young: Russian scientists reveal secret of eternal life
RT Documentary
February 19, 2012
J. Craig Venter: Designing Life (Synthetic Bacteria) - PBS 60 Minutes - 2010
January 6, 2014
World Community Grid - Help Conquer Cancer - Lecture Series - Dr. Igor Jurisica - August 30, 2012
How to Live Forever? Be a Jellyfish
March 20, 2012
LifeStar video presentation: The economic and social costs of age related disease
September 5, 2009
October 15, 2011
City of
the Future” – Three-Dimensional Models of Skyscrapers by G.
Stolyarov II –
August-November 2008
- “The Penultimate Trump” – Robert Ettinger – March 1948
Gentle Seduction” – Marc Stiegler – 1989
- “The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant” – Nick Bostrom – 2005
- "What Did Not Have to Be" – G. Stolyarov II – December 29, 2012
Struggle Against Death, Op. 57 – G. Stolyarov II – December
12, 2008
of Immortal Man” – G. Stolyarov II – July 30, 2004